Your last name is Dettling or you have Dettling-ancestors, -relatives or you have other relations to our family community?

With only 10 Euro annual fee you're there! The annual family magazine, regular newsletters, access to our picture gallery, invitation to the annual family reunion and a worldwide Dettling network is included in the membership.

Why not joining one of our family excursions or family get-togethers without any obligation?

The yearly member fee of 10 Euro supports our Dettling research as well as the annual family magazine. Furthermore the family reunions and this web site will be financed by the member fees.

As per December 2012 we have 96 members from Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and USA. We would appreciate to welcome you as our next new member!

Should you be interested in the membership of our family community, please fill in the contact form

We look forward to hear from you.

Entry form forthe family for theDettlingfamilyresearch:

Entry form for the family for the Dettling family research